The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced on 11 January 2024 that a review will be conducted in the vehicle finance market regarding Discretionary Commissions. We want to inform our customers that Anglo Scottish Asset Finance acts as a broker, not a lender, and if you believe you have been impacted by this issue, please contact your car finance lender. For further information, please click here

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced on 11 January 2024 that a review will be conducted

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Anglo Scottish takes up the fight to help end homelessness

10th February 2022

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Anglo Scottish’s David Foster and Dan Reavley are supporting CEO Sleepout and spending the night “sleeping rough” outside in March to raise money to help end homelessness.

According to homeless charity Shelter, 274,000 people in England are homeless, including 126,000, and this figure is only likely to rise in the coming months.

This depressingly, startling statistic is just one of the reasons that have motivated Anglo Scottish to take up the call to action and help fight to end homelessness.

What is the CEO Sleepout?

CEO Sleepout is a charity set up to fight homelessness throughout the UK. The charity arranges for business leaders to “sleep rough” for a night to raise money and raise awareness of homelessness. The events take place in cities around the country and the money raised is distributed to local charities to fight homelessness and poverty within a few miles of each CEO Sleepout event, as well as those charities that work nationally.

To date, the charity has raised over £2.7 million to fight against homelessness and poverty.

The top 10 beneficiaries (in 2020) were:

Changing Lives https://www.changing-lives.org.uk/

Depaul https://www.depaul.org.uk/

Cardinal Hume Centre https://www.cardinalhumecentre.org.uk/

Newcastle United Foundation  https://nufoundation.org.uk/

Notts County Football in the Community https://www.nottscountyfoundation.org.uk/

Church Urban Fund  https://cuf.org.uk/

Milton Keynes YMCA https://www.ymca.org.uk/location/ymca-milton-keynes

MK Dons SET http://www.mkdonsset.com/

Borderline https://www.borderline-uk.org/

Walking With The Wounded https://walkingwiththewounded.org.uk/

CEO Sleepout in Newcastle

The CEO Sleepout will take place in St James Park on 24 March 2022 (a very chilly time of year up here in the North East!).

So far, the event has over 99 participants who are rolling out their sleeping bags, including Newcastle United legend and local hero Shola Ameobi.

If you’d like to donate to this fantastic cause, you can do so using the following link, or contact us to learn more.


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